Source code for energy_balance.scripts.add_to_mysql

#!/usr/bin/env python

__author__ = 'Elle Smith'
__date__ = '22  Jul 2021'
__contact__ = ''

import os
from datetime import datetime
import mysql.connector
import argparse
import subprocess
from energy_balance import CONFIG

def arg_parse():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

        help="User for mysql database")

        help="Password for mysql database")

        help="Database name")

    return parser.parse_args()

[docs]def insert_into_tables(user, password, database, dir_path): """ Gets data from the csv files found in the specified directory path and inserts it into MySQL tables. The MySQL tables must have been created proir to running this. The default names used to map the logger tables to MySQL tables are: {'Housekeeping': 'housekeeping', 'GPS_datetime': 'gps', 'SoilTemperature': 'soil_temp', 'SoilMoisture': 'soil_moisture', 'SoilHeatFlux': 'soil_heat_flux', 'Radiation': 'radiation'} :param user: (str) The username for connecting to MySQL. :param password: (str) The password for connecting to MySQL. :param database: (str) The names of the database in which the tables exist. :param dir_path: (str) The path to the top level directory in which the csv files and folders were created. :returns: None """ # Connect to server cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=user, password=user, database=user, allow_local_infile=True) # Get a cursor cur = cnx.cursor() logger_tables = CONFIG['common']['logger_tables'] mysql_tables = CONFIG['common']['mysql_tables'] tables = dict(zip(logger_tables, mysql_tables)) date = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for table, name in tables.items(): datadir = os.path.join(dir_path, table) latestfile = os.path.join(datadir, f"{table}_{date}.csv") tempfile = os.path.join(datadir, "temp.csv") # remove header and save as temp file cmd = f"sed '1d' {latestfile} > {tempfile}", shell=True) # Execute a query cmd = f"LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '{tempfile}' INTO TABLE {name} COLUMNS TERMINATED BY ',' ;" cur.execute(cmd) # commit the change cnx.commit() # remove temp file os.remove(tempfile) # close the connection cnx.close()
def main(): args = arg_parse() user = args.user password = args.password database = args.database dir_path = os.path.expanduser(CONFIG['common']['logger_csv_path']) insert_into_tables(user, password, database, dir_path) print('Inserted data into MySQL tables') if __name__ == '__main__': main()